Tuesday, December 14, 2010

New at Cambridge Considered

Hello, readers,
I'm back after taking a hiatus that was longer than I intended as I sorted out some computer challenges. A couple of things are new here at Cambridge Considered:

I'm starting a short series of posts called "A Very Brief History of Cambridge." These are intended for any new reader, particularly if you aren't familiar with this city's history. Because I'm summarizing so much in each one, they will be a little longer and less colorful than a normal Cambridge Considered post, but I hope they will be enjoyable and useful. The first one covers the years 1630-1700.

Additionally, there are two new sidebar pages on the site. Recommended Reading is just that, a page where I will recommend books, websites, and other sources about Cambridge history that readers might enjoy. Sites Worth Seeing is another page of recommendations, where I will list local sites that relate to topics discussed on Cambridge Considered.


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